Join the VIP Graduate Program Today
We work every day to help our clients get their credit reports cleaned up and corrected, and improve their credit scores, but once the work is done what happens? For many people, they go about their business and stop tracking their scores and reports. Old habits creep back in and they don’t know where to turn.
For others, the choice is easy: Ongoing support.
Our VIP Graduate program is for those looking to keep their ReCredit support after our services have cleaned, corrected, and improved their scores. VIP Graduate members receive exclusive emails about changes to credit rules, insider information on credit card offers, and access to our team of experts. We’ll be here to review any offers you receive, answer your questions, and help you stay on track of your credit goals.
Our philosophy revolves around Education. As a member, we work with you to help you understand the details of your debt/credit matters and what steps/options, you have to maintain good credit, and continue offering in depth consultations and information to enhance your awareness and understanding of the debt/credit industry.
We give you the tools and education to fight for your rights, and our VIP Graduate Program gives you all the tools, resources, and exclusive access you need to stay on top of your credit and moving forward with your life.
We’re on your side in this fight!
What Our ReCredit Graduates Think

After my divorce and everything that went along with it, I was in a bad place. My credit was basically ruined. ReCredit got me back on track and helped clean up the mess. Now that I have an improved score and a plan, I'm working every month on building a new life with a better score. I'm sooo thankful and glad to be a graduate! I love you guys!!
Mackenzie R.
ReCredit Graduate

I'm so glad I don't have to worry about my credit any more. ReCredit was able to add 218 points to my score and now I can finally afford to live the life I always wanted. Now that I'm a graduate member, I like being able to send messages and get answers without and hassle. It's also affordable, so I like that too! Thanks ReCredit!
Jason T.
ReCredit Graduate - WA

There's nothing like having a team of credit experts on call whenever you need them! You guys helped me so much and got my score into the 800s! The 800s!! That's still amazing to me. I'm proud to be a graduate and have you guys in my corner every day!
Travis M.
ReCredit Graduate - CA

I am so glad you started the graduate program. I felt a little lost after I completed the process and wasn't sure whether I could get help when I had questions. Being a graduate, I now know I can keep you guys in my pocket and reach out if I have questions! By the way, THANK YOU for reviewing that credit card offer. I almost made a huge mistake!
Vicky W.
ReCredit Graduate, TX

I love the Graduate Program! Lyann the Credit Ninja worked so hard to help me get my credit score where it needed to be so I could buy my dream home, and I cannot thank them enough! The grad program is an awesome way to stay on top of my new score. I know I can reach out for help and answers anytime, and that means the world to me! Glad I joined every day!
Christine R.
ReCredit Graduate, CA
Exclusive VIP Graduate Program
Stay on Top of Your Score – Join Today

You've Worked Too Hard to Stop Now
As a graduate of the ReCredit process, you know how powerful it is to have an improved credit score. You can save thousands in interest payments, extend your purchasing power, and get out from under the weight of a credit report full of negative items and errors. Some of you have seen your lives changed completely!
Keep up the good work by extending your relationship with us!
With our VIP Graduate Program, you can take advantage of our expertise, insights, and support as you navigate the world ahead. Whether it's finding an attorney to pursue your creditors for their violations, or simply asking us to review a credit offer you are considering, we are here to help.
Join the ReCredit Graduate Program Today!
Monthly Credit Builder Emails
Credit Offer Review Service
Dispute Team Access
VIP Graduate Support
Exclusive Knowledgebase
Creditor Lawsuit Guides
Continued MyCase Access